Activity: Venn Diagram (group activity)
You might want to use this activity to introduce a new topic/theme or as a warm-up activity.
Materials needed:
- sign-in sheet on chart paper with three large interlocking circles
- markers
What do you do?
- Choose one statement to place in each of the three circles.
I relax when I do a puzzle.
I worked on a math activity recently.
I know how to convert from pounds to kilograms.
- Post sign-in sheet on a wall.
- Ask learners to sign-in with their first name anywhere on the sheet that makes sense to them.
- Take up the activity together. Ask learners to explain why they chose to place their names in certain circles.
- If it’s appropriate, you can explain the “mathematical” basis of the activity, i.e. the concept of sets and purpose of a Venn diagram.