Number Name Jigsaw Activity (group activity)
- Picture jigsaw pieces (create large picture puzzle from a magazine or poster)
- Markers
- Scratch paper/pencil
- Number Name instruction sheet
What do you do?
- Give each learner a picture puzzle piece.
- Hand out instructions for “Number Name.”
- Go over instructions together. Ask learners to write their first name and “number name” on the back of the picture puzzle piece.
- Ask the whole group to line up at one end of the room in order of their number. To get the group started ask, “Who has the smallest number name?”
- When everyone is lined up, ask learners to call out the number name to check if the order is correct.
- Put all the puzzle pieces on a table. As a group, try to put the picture puzzle together.
Taking up the Activity
- Debrief activity by asking how participants felt about it
- If it seems appropriate, bring attention to the math involved in the Number Name activity (i.e. algebra)
Number Name instruction sheet (hand-out - PDF 60 kb - 1 page)
